


10月17日(日)午前11:00より、創立70周年記念式典が挙行されました。新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大防止の観点から開催自体が危ぶまれましたが、北海道教育委員会委員 山本伸弘様をはじめ、長万部町長 木幡正志様、黒松内副町長 佐藤雅彦様などご来賓の方々にご臨席を賜り、無事に開催することができました。この式典では運営する協賛会役員が受付業務や司会進行等を行うため、前日の夜にリハーサルを行うなど入念な準備をしてきました。また、本校の歴史を紡いできた歴代校長や元PTA会長にもご臨席いただき、表彰者として、その場で賞状を読み上げることを省略し不十分ではありましたが、ご紹介をさせていただきました。

(画像提供 北海道長万部高等学校創立70周年記念事業協賛会)



[Celebration of 70th Anniversary of Foundation of School]
On October 17th (Sun),we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the foundation of our school. Those who were there to celebrate included a member of Hokkaido Board of Education(Nobuhiro Yamamoto), The mayor of Oshamambe (Masashi Kihata), The deputy mayor of Kuromatsunai Town (Masahiko Sato), and the list goes on. In order for the ceremony to be thoroughly ready, we rehearsed the night before. Some of the former principals of Oshamambe High School and two former presidents of PTA of the school also attended the ceremony. I, the current principal of the school, was deeply honored to introduce their names in front of all the participants.

 We spent the latter part of the ceremony with a great speech given by the former leader of the school council, Aoi Nakagome (a 3rd year student), and last but not least, the brass band club performed "A Little Festive Music," which made us really feel like a gentle breeze came floating into the place. Then finally, such wonderful performance allowed the ceremony to end successfully and happily.

 I should not forget to mention the splendid work created by several students of the school, which you would not have missed as you had walked on your way out in the hall.

 Here, once again, I would like to thank everybody, not just who were there with us on the special occasion but also who had spent their time and effort building the very foundation of the school before its whole history began.