


 また、今回最優秀賞を受賞した「⑥防災ゾーン」のグループは12月20日(水)に実施される道教委主催のS-TEAM 教育推進事業 令和5年度「探究チャレンジ・道南」に参加する予定です。
 November 13th (Mon), we had a big meeting with students from the primary and junior high school in town, the 2nd years in our school making presentations about the new station (to be built) for the bullet train leading up to Sapporo and the 1st years about their research basing it on their own personal interests.
 Through the meeting, the students deepened thier relationship with one another across the three different schools, and shared their interest and understanding on what is happening in society around them.
  The 2nd year students had been grouped into 6, and talked about different topics about the shared theme (the new station) at the meeting. After all the presentations, one best group was chosen. The group will be moving up onto a next contest at which reperesentative groups from each high school in the Southern part of Hokkaido will gather up and share their ideas.